Makeni Mutua C.P.A
We aspire to be the best perceived small and medium; audits, tax and, business advisory farm in Kenya and east Africa.
Our portfolio of organizations is representative of all sectors of the economy.
It comprises of state corporations, non-governmental organization‘s (both local and international), finance service sector, partnerships, Limited liability companies, real estate property and, professional practitioners among other categories of clientele we serve.
Our team members are professionals , who are highly qualified and experienced and who have established track record in their respective areas of expertise.
Makeni Mutua CPA firm was registered in 1994 to provide
- Quality assurance.
- Taxation’s planning and management.
- Business advisory to SMEs
- project management, analysis, monitoring and evaluation.
The farm is recognized by the following regulatory and professional organizations ;
- Institute of certified public accountant’s Kenya (ICPAK)
- Kenya bankers Association ( KB A)
- Kenya revenue authority Kenya(KRA)
- Commissioner of co-orporatives ministry of industrialization an enterprise development
saving society regulatory authority (SASRA) - ICAEW Chartered Accountants.
- The firm focuses on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) within annual turnover not exceeding USD 30 million P.A.
Human Resources.
Our strength lies in a committed well-qualified dynamic and welcoming staff . The directors of the company have diverse experience gained from leading institutions in the country, And having international exposure they are widely traveled and exposed to the latest developments in technology and management thinking.
We are located at ACK Garden House fifth floor, 1st Ngong Avenue, Bishop Road. The location is secure and convenient for safety conscious clients and the physical environment is clean and inviting we are in the neighborhood of strategic institutions like banks, government offices and App market commercial enterprises that is postal services including the Kenya revenue authority headquarters.
